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4389 фраз со словами начинающимися с буквы "S"

звезда (спектрального) типа S
взаимодействие спинов (в электронной оболочке атома) S,
coal sack
Sacramento peak observatory
Sa galaxy
sag car
детектор нейтрино SAGE
SAGE neutrino detector
sagittal focus
Saha equation
Saha's equation
Saha's ionization formula
random sample
over sampling
sampling theorem
sandwich construction
sandwich mirror
звёздный каталог SAO
SAO star catalog
Sa Sb galaxy
Sa SB spiral
Sa spiral
weather satellite
satellite astronomy
satellite-borne instruments
satellite branches
satellite camera
satellite drag
satellite in long-lived orbit
satellite line
satellite observations
satellite observatory
Earth satellite orbit
artificial Earth satellite program(me)
satellite-range measurement
satellite's motion
satellite's orbit
satellite spectroscopy
satellite's period
satellite's spin
satellite system
satellite track
satellite tracking
satellite trail
satellite vehicle
saturated color
saturation effect
saturation function
daylight saving time
Sa Sb galaxy
SB Sb spiral
Sb Sc galaxy
Sb Sc spiral
SB Sb spiral
vernier scale
scale correction
scale factor
relative scale of distances
scale of micrometer
scale of the Galaxy
scale of the universe
gray scale resolution
true scale Value
scale Value of telescope
grey scaling
spiral scan
two-dimensional scanning
scanning device
scanning drive
scanning element
frequency scanning method
scanning motion
scanning rate
scan strip scan