Credit & Copyright: Dominique
Dierick and Dirk De la Marche
Here's a familiar shape in an unfamiliar location! This
emission nebula is
famous partly because it resembles
North American Continent. To the
right of the North America Nebula is a less luminous Pelican Nebula. Let's
be grateful that
aren't really that large! The two emission
nebula are located about 1500 light years away and are separated by a
dark absorption cloud.
The nebulae can be seen without a telescope from a
dark location. Look for a small nebular patch north-east of
Deneb in the
of Cygnus. It is still unknown which star or stars ionize the
red-glowing hydrogen gas.
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Based on Astronomy Picture
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Publications with keywords: nebula - North America Nebula
Publications with words: nebula - North America Nebula
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