Rambler's Top100Astronet    
  ïî òåêñòàì   ïî êëþ÷åâûì ñëîâàì   â ãëîññàðèè   ïî ñàéòàì   ïåðåâîä   ïî êàòàëîãó

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  Òåðìèíû   |   Ôðàçû   |   Âåðòèêàëüíûé ñïèñîê Πñëîâàðå
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z 
À | Á | Â | Ã | Ä | Å | Æ | Ç | È | É | Ê | Ë | Ì | Í | Î | Ï | Ð | Ñ | Ò | Ó | Ô | Õ | Ö | × | Ø | Ù | Ý | Þ | ß 

445 ôðàç íà áóêâó "O"

• O association
• obiateness
• object
• object glass
• object-glass
• object illumination
• objective
• objective cell
• objective classification
• objective grating
• objective lens
• objective mirror
• objective prism
• objective-prism camera
• objective-prism spectrum
• object mirror
• object under observation
• oblateness
• oblate spheroid
• oblate symmetric top
• obliquity of ecliptic
• obliquity of the ecliptic
• O-branch
• obscuration
• obscuring clouds
• obscuring matter
• observable
• observable object
• observable sources
• observable universe
• observation
• observation airborne observation
• observational
• observational astronomy
• observational data
• observational details
• observational error
• observational evidence
• observational material
• observational method
• observational procedures
• observational program
• observational programme
• observational radio astronomy
• observational results
• observational selection
• observational technique
• observational test
• observational uncertainty
• observational work
• observation floor
• observations in right ascension
• observations with telescopes
• observation time
• Observatoire de Haute Provence
• observatorial selection
• Observatorio Astronomico Nacional
• Observatorio del Rogue de los Muchachos
• Observatorio del Teide
• observatory
• observatory building
• observatory clock
• observatory dome
• observatory site selection
• observatory site survey
• observe
• observed
• observed altitude
• observed motion
• observed object
• observed position
• observed radiation
• observed ratio
• observed star
• observed velocity
• observer personal equation
• observer's cage
• observer's cell
• observer's chair
• observer's horizon
• observer's meridian
• observer's position
• observer's station
• observing
• observing chair
• observing conditions
• observing expedition
• observing frequency
• observing instruments
• observing night
• observing platform
• observing point
• observing position
• observing program
• observing programme
• observing room
• observing seat
• observing site
• observing station
• observing technique
• observing time
• observing tour
• occult
• occultation
• occulting disk
• occupation
• occupation by the Moon
• occupation curve
• occupation of radio star
• occupation of star
• oceñèììåòðè÷íàÿ ïðîáëåìà
• Ockham's razor
• octant
• octet multiplet
• ocular
• ocular prism
• odd
• odd atomic term
• odd-odd nucleus
• odd spot cycle
• oersted
• off-axis
• off-axis aberration
• off-axis distribution
• off-axis English mounting
• off-axis guider
• off-axis guiding
• off-axis mirror
• off-axis rays
• offset
• off-set guider
• off-set guiding
• OH line
• oil pad
• oil-pad bearing
• Okayama observatory
• Olbers' paradox
• old moon
• old Moon
• old nova
• old quantum theory
• old star
• omnidirectional antenna
• omnidirectional flux
• once-through corrector plate
• Ondrejov observatory
• one-dimensional classification
• one-dimensional distribution
• one-dimensional synthesis
• one-layered model
• Onsala observatory
• onstant wave
• on the fringe of...
• on the wane
• Ootacamund observatory
• opacity
• opacity law
• opaque atmosphere
• opaque photocathode
• opaque region
• opaque screen
• open cluster
• opening
• open spiral
• open tubes
• operating frequency
• operating position
• operating region
• operating wavelength
• operation
• operator
• oppositely polarized
• opposite polarities separating line
• opposite polarity
• opposition
• optic
• optical
• optical aberrations
• optical absorption
• optical arrangement
• optical astronomer
• optical astronomy
• optical axis
• optical beam
• optical binary star
• optical brightness
• optical brightness temperature
• optical center
• optical components
• optical cross-section
• optical data
• optical definition
• optical density
• optical depth
• optical detection
• optical device
• optical disk
• optical distortions
• optical disturbance
• optical double
• optical-double resonance method
• optical double star
• optical doublet
• optical effects
• optical efficiency
• optical element
• optical emission
• optical emitting region
• optical evidence
• optical extinction
• optical features
• optical flare
• optical flat
• optical galaxy
• optical glass
• optical haze
• optical identification
• optical image
• optical index
• optical information
• optical instruments
• optical intensity
• optical interference
• optical interferometer
• optical isophotes
• optical libration
• optical luminosity
• optically identified source
• optical magnitude
• optical maser
• optical material
• optical means
• optical measurements
• optical meteor observations
• optical method
• optical mirror
• optical nerve
• optical object
• optical obscuration
• optical observations
• optical observatory
• optical parallax
• optical path
• optical performance
• optical phenomenon
• optical polishing
• optical position
• optical power
• optical precision
• optical process
• optical properties
• optical quality
• optical quartz
• optical radiation
• optical redshift
• optical reflector
• optical refraction
• optical region
• optical resolution
• optical resolving power
• optical results
• optical rocket-tracking telescope
• optical scattering
• optical semithickness
• optical sensitization
• optical series
• optical shadow
• optical silica
• optical size
• optical spectral line
• optical spectroscope
• optical spectroscopy
• optical spectrum
• optical star
• optical studies
• optical Sun
• optical sunspot
• optical surface
• optical system
• optical techniques
• optical telescope
• optical tests
• optical thickness
• optical tracking
• optical tracking instrument
• optical transfer function
• optical tube
• optical turbulence
• optical universe
• optical wavelengths
• optical wedge
• optical window
• optical work
• optic axis
• optic eclipse
• optic purple
• optics
• optic tracking instrument
• optimal filter
• optimum sampling
• O-radiation
• orbit
• orbital
• orbital angular momentum
• orbital degeneracy
• orbital eccentricity
• orbital elements
• orbital energy
• orbital inclination
• orbital inclination to the equator
• orbital motion
• orbital period
• orbital plane
• orbital quantum number
• orbital radius
• orbital rocket
• orbital speed
• orbital vehicle
• orbital velocity
• orbit determination
• orbiter
• orbit form
• orbiting
• orbiting astronomical observatory
• orbiting observatory
• orbiting satellite
• orbiting station
• orbit prediction
• order
• ordered magnetic field
• order of spectrum
• order sorter
• ordinary ray
• ordinary wave
• orientation
• orientation effect
• orientation of plate
• orientation of spot group
• origin
• original atmosphere
• original image
• original plate
• origin of coordinates
• origin of radio waves
• origin of scale
• origin of the universe
• orographical
• orrery
• orrery software
• orthicon
• orthochromatic
• orthodromics
• orthodromy
• orthogonality
• orthogonal polarization
• orthohelium
• orthohydrogen
• orthomodification
• orthoscopic
• orthoscopic eyepiece
• ortochromatic emulsion
• ortoscopic
• ortoscopic eyepiece
• Oschin Schmidt camera
• oscillation
• oscillator
• oscillator strength
• oscilloscope
• osculating elements
• osculating orbit
• Osservatorio di Bologna
• Osservatorio di Brera
• O star
• O-type star
• our galaxy
• outburst
• outburst from Jupiter
• outburst of light
• outburst of radio waves
• outburst sporadic outbursts of craters
• outcoming electron
• outer atmosphere
• outer core
• outer corona
• outer photoeffect
• outer planet
• outer radiation zone
• outer regions
• outer ring
• outer space
• outer-space rocket