Rambler's Top100Astronet    
  ïî òåêñòàì   ïî êëþ÷åâûì ñëîâàì   â ãëîññàðèè   ïî ñàéòàì   ïåðåâîä   ïî êàòàëîãó

Àíãëî-Ðóññêî-Àíãëèéñêèé Àñòðîíîìè÷åñêèé Ñëîâàðü

  Òåðìèíû   |   Ôðàçû   |   Âåðòèêàëüíûé ñïèñîê Πñëîâàðå
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z 
À | Á | Â | Ã | Ä | Å | Æ | Ç | È | É | Ê | Ë | Ì | Í | Î | Ï | Ð | Ñ | Ò | Ó | Ô | Õ | Ö | × | Ø | Ù | Ý | Þ | ß 

1438 ôðàç ñî ñëîâàìè íà÷èíàþùèìèñÿ ñ áóêâû "I"

ðàäèîòåëåñêîï Ìàðê I
interstellar ice absorption
Iceland spar
I c K-coupling
I c K-ñâÿçü
H I cloud
H I complex
ideal coordinates
ideal receiver
ideal telescope
optical identification
identification of central fringe
identification of lines
identified band
identified radio star
optically identified source
to identify optically
H I emission
H I gas
igneous activity
igneous rock
ñèñòåìà âðàùåíèÿ II
H II cloud
H II emission
class III flare
type III (radio) burst
âûáðîñ III òèïà
population II object
II (population) stars
type II (radio) burst
H II region
population II star
II supernova
(äèñêðåòíûå) èñòî÷íèêè (ðàäèîèçëó÷åíèÿ) II êëàññà
ñâåðõíîâàÿ (çâåçäà) II òèïà
I j-coupling
I j-ñâÿçü
back illuminated CCD
illuminated cross wire eyepiece
illuminated hemisphere
illuminated pinhole
illuminating star
quantity of illumination
upright image
image amplifier
image compression
image converter
image core
image definition
image de-rotator
detector image detector
comparison image device
image diameter
image dissector
image distortion
image disturbance
image elongation
image enlargement
image excellent
image exploded
image format
photographic image formation
image hard image
image intensifier
image motion
image-motion estimate
image multiplier
image nucleus
image of the radio Sun
image orthicon
image photon counting system
image plane
image processing
image profile
image reduction
image reduction and analysis facility
image rotation
quality of images
image scale
image scrambler
zero image shift focuser
image size
image slicer
image stabilizing binoculars
image structure
image surface
image synthesis
Flexible Image Transport System
image tremor
image tube
imaginary source
Hadamard mask imaging
äåòåêòîð íåéòðèíî IMB
IMB neutrino detector
Earth's immediate interplanetary environment
moment of impact
impact broadening
impact energy
impact of meteor
impedance matching
impersonal astrolabe
impersonal micrometer
imprisoned radiation
improvement of image
resultant impulse
impulse recorder
timing impulses
impulsive bursts
impulsive force
terms in aberration
to move in a circular orbit
Raman inactive vibration
free-burning dc arc in air
Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy
parallax in azimuth
jump in brightness
variations in brilliance
in calcium light
lines per inch
grazing incidence
vertical incidence sounder
glancing incidence telescope
incident beam
incident electron
incident flux
incident pencil
incident plane wave
incident pulse
incident radiation
plate inclination
inclination of lens
orbital inclination to the equator
two galaxies in collision
incoming beam
incomplete fixing
Inconel filter
incorrect exposure
fluctuations in cosmic radiation
sudden cosmic ray increase
brightness increment
increment of visual threshold
secular secular in declination
errors in declinations
solar model in deeper layers
indentified galaxy
independent catalogue
independent day numbers
time independent perturbation theory
indeterminacy principle
U-B color index
Index Catalog
index of refraction
Index êàòàëîã
indicator dial
indimmed star
indirect colorimetry
scintillation in direction
individual burst
individual catalogue
to correct individually
individual meteor
resolve into individual stars
individual sunspot
induced diamagnetism
induced dipole radiation
induced emission
induced moment
induced paramagnetism
induced predissociation
nuclear induction
aberration in ecliptic longitude
inelastic collision
distortion in emulsion
inequalities in motion
inequalities in motion of the Moon
inequalities of pivots
diurnal inequality
inert gas
product of inertia
inertial coordinate system
inertial mass
inertial reference system
inertial system
inferior conjunction
inferior planet
infinite medium
infinite universe
infinity focusing
infinity gamma
discontinuities in flexure
turnover in flux(-density) spectrum
in focus
positional information
Information Bulletin on Variable Stars
information processing
near infrared
infrared absorption
infrared astronomy
infrared bands
infrared bolometer
infrared emission
infrared filter
infrared flux density
infrared magnitude
infrared measurements
infrared observations
infrared photography
infrared radiation
infrared rays
infrared ray sensitive emulsion
near infrared region
infrared sensitization
infrared solar radiation
infrared spectrograph
infrared spectrometer
infrared spectrum
UK infrared telescope
infrared temperature
infrared (wavelength) range
infrared wavelengths
infrared window
redistribution in frequencies
spread in frequency
fluctuations in gain
map of hydrogen in galactic plane
tunnel (ing) effect
Inglis-Teller relation
in Hα light
to blanket in heat
inherent contrast
inherent (noise) fluctuations
inhomogeneous field
chemically inhomogeneous model
guiding correction in hour angle
thermal radiation in infrared
discontinuities in instrumental system
in integrated light
scintillation in intensity
refraction in irregularities
initial condition
initial intensity
initial period
initial phase
variations in latitude
error in level reading
variation in light
variations in longitude
satellite in long-lived orbit
dispersion in luminosity of sources
in monochromatic light
inequalities in motion
inequalities in motion of the Moon
intensity ratio in multiplets
inner composition
inner core
inner corona
inner photoeffect
inner planet
inner quantum number
inner radiation belt
inner radiation zone
inner regions
innomogeneities in refraction
precession in obliquity
inorganic radicals
coefficients in perturbations
Doppler effect in photodissociation
displacements in photographic film
in-plane vibration
error in position
receiver input
input power
discrimination in range
fluctuations in receiver gain
ratio of minimum to maximum in record
innomogeneities in refraction
gradient in refractive index
secular secular in right ascension
light distribution in seeing image
distribution in space
spread in spectrum
irregularity in speed of rotation
magnetic flux in spot
diverging motion in spot group
thermal instability
instable equilibrium
instantaneous exposure
instantaneous light vector
instantaneous period
instantaneous position
instantaneous spectrum
instantaneous tidal force
instantaneous vibration
instant of transit
energy sources in stars
Institut de radio astronomie millimetrique
Space Telescope Science Institute
Max Plank institutes
Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomia
Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias
Instituto di Radioastronomia
system of instrument
instrumental broadening
instrumental constants
instrumental effect
instrumental errors
instrumental flexure
instrumental fluctuations
instrumental investigations
instrumental limitations
instrumental pole
instrumental profile
instrumental resolution
instrumental seeing
discontinuities in instrumental system
instrumental variations
instrumentation navigational instrumentation
instrumentation for optical astronomy
instrumentation for radio astronomy
instrumentation navigational instrumentation
time-measuring instruments
insulating material
mirror insulation
phase integral
integral function
integral intensity
integral number
integral spin
integrated absorption coefficient
integrated brightness
integrated color index
integrated emission
integrated energy density
integrated flux
Hα in integrated light
integrated magnitude
integrated radiation
integrated radio waves
integrated sky brightness
integrated spectral line
integrated spectral segment
integrating photometer
integrating spectroscope
time delay integration
integration time
extraterrestrial intelligence
intense burst
intense line
intense radio emission
the most intense radio source
intense source
image intensifier
two-stage cascaded-image intensifying tube
spectrum line intensity
intensity alteration
intensity alternation
half intensity breadth
higher intensity component
higher intensity component of solar radio waves
intensity distribution
intensity factor
in the continuum intensity field
intensity fluctuations
intensity interferometer
intensity profile
intensity ratio
intensity ratio in multiplets
intensity ratio in Zeeman components
intensity record
intensity rule
intensity scale
intensity scintillation
intensity time variations
interacting galaxies
van der Waals interaction
interaction constant
Compton interaction detector
interaction effect
interaction energy
mutual interaction of states
interactions between galaxies
Cerro Tololo Inter-American observatory
interarm region
interatomic Stark effect
interchangeable optics
intercombination line
prohibition of intercombinations
intercombination transition
Fresnel interference
polarization interference filter
ratio of minimum to maximum of interference fringes
interference fringe system
interference lobes
interference method
two-dimensional interference pattern
interference rings
noise interference sensitivity
interference spectrometer
interference system
interference techniques
interferential band
interfering signal
shearing interferometer
interferometer aerial system
interferometer antenna
interferometer antenna system
interferometer array
central interferometer equipment
interferometer lobes
interferometer measurements
interferometer method
radio interferometer observations
interferometer of wide spacing
interferometer radio telescope
two-aerial interferometer record
radio interferometer recording
interferometer resolution
interferometer sea interferometer
interferometer spacing
interferometer system
interferometric techniques
spectrograph interferometric with selective amplitude modulation
very long base-line interferometry
intergalactic absorption
intergalactic distances
intergalactic gas
intergalactic hydrogen
intergalactic material
intergalactic matter
intergalactic space
intergranular area
Sun's interior
interior planet
interlocking of lines
intermediary stars
telescope of intermediate aperture
intermediate band photometry
intermediate corona
intermediate coupling
intermediate-drift burst
intermediate frequency
intermediate frequency amplifier
intermediate stars
intermittent exposure
intermittent illumination
intermolecular force
internal accuracy
internal constitution
internal conversion
internal coordinates
internal motions of sunspots
internal noise
internal structure
internal temperature
internal tension
International Astronomical Union
international atomic time
international candle
international character figures
international color index
International Dark Sky association
international date line
international disturbed days
International Latitude station
international magnitude
international quiet days
international station
internuclear distance
interplanetary communications
interplanetary dust
Earth's immediate interplanetary environment
interplanetary flight
interplanetary gas
interplanetary journey
interplanetary magnetic field
interplanetary material
interplanetary matter
interplanetary medium
interplanetary radar
British Interplanetary Society
interplanetary space
interplanetary station
interplanetary travel
interplanetary vehicle
interplanetary vortices
interrupted photographic exposure
interspicular component
interstellar absorption
interstellar bands
interstellar cloud
interstellar deuterium
interstellar dust
interstellar emission
interstellar extinction
interstellar Faraday rotation
interstellar field
interstellar gas
interstellar grains
interstellar graphite spheres
interstellar hydrogen
interstellar hydrogen gas
interstellar hydrogen line
interstellar ice absorption
interstellar line
interstellar material
interstellar matter
interstellar medium
interstellar meteor
interstellar molecules
interstellar origin
interstellar particles
interstellar plasma
interstellar polarization
interstellar reddening
interstellar space
interstellar spectral line
coherence interval
Lande interval rule
in the blue
in the continuum intensity field
hidden mass in the galaxy
in the infrared
universe in the large
in the line of sight
new Moon in the old Moon's arms
in the red
in the solar neighbourhood
in the ultraviolet
in the vicinity of the Sun
in the violet
spread in time of travel
resolve into individual stars
to place into orbit
intra-Mercurian planet
intrinsic brightness
intrinsic brilliance
intrinsic color
intrinsic color index
intrinsic energy
intrinsic luminosity
intrinsic photoeffect
velocity of light in vacuum
principle of invariance
adiabatic invariant
invar metal
spread in velocities
dispersion in velocity
telescope, invention of
inverse Compton radiation
inverse Compton scattering
inverse predissociation
inverse problem
inverse Zeeman effect
inversion doubling
inversion spectrum
inverted (alkali) doublet
inverted fine structure
inverted image
inverted multiplet
inverting eyepiece
inverting prism
inverting telescope
radar investigation
investigation of shape of pivots
stellar investigations
invisible meteor
invisible radiation
invisible radio star
invisible sunspot
inward intensity