Rambler's Top100Astronet    
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  Òåðìèíû   |   Ôðàçû   |   Âåðòèêàëüíûé ñïèñîê Πñëîâàðå
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z 
À | Á | Â | Ã | Ä | Å | Æ | Ç | È | É | Ê | Ë | Ì | Í | Î | Ï | Ð | Ñ | Ò | Ó | Ô | Õ | Ö | × | Ø | Ù | Ý | Þ | ß 

432 ôðàçû íà áóêâó "B"

• back focal length
• back focus
• Back-Goudsmit effect
• background
• background brightness
• background brightness temperature
• background component
• background continuous background of radiation
• background continuum
• background cosmic radiation
• background elimination
• background emission
• background fluctuation
• background galactic noise
• background intensity
• background level
• background noise
• background observations
• background of cosmic radiation
• background of emission
• background of extragalactic sources
• background of galactic radiation
• background of radiation
• background of radio radiation
• background radiation
• background radio waves
• background sky
• background star
• background stars
• background subtraction
• background temperature
• back illuminated CCD
• backlash
• back lens
• back of the Moon
• Back-Paschen effect
• backscatter
• backscattering
• back scattering
• back support
• back support assembly
• back support pad
• backward lobe
• backward movement
• Badger's equation
• bad seeing
• baffle
• Bahner discontinuity
• Baily's beads
• bake
• Baker meteor camera
• Baker-Nunn
• Baker-Nunn camera
• Baker reflector-corrector
• Baker-Schmidt
• Baker-Schmidt camera
• baking
• balance
• Baldet-Johnson bands
• ball and claw mounting
• Ballik-Ramsay band
• ball mounting
• balloon
• balloon astronomy
• balloon-borne
• balloon-borne apparatus
• balloon-borne telescope
• balloon flight
• balloon observations
• Balmer absorption continuum
• Balmer alpha line
• Balmer continuum
• Balmer decrement
• Balmer discontinuity
• Balmer emission continuum
• Balmer formula
• Balmer jump
• Balmer law
• Balmer limit
• Balmer lines
• Balmer series
• balun
• band
• band edge
• banded spectrum
• band envelope
• band fluorescence
• band head
• banding
• band lamp
• band of obscuring matter
• band of totality
• band origin
• band pass
• band pass filter
• bandpass filter
• band profile
• band progression
• band scheme
• bandshape
• band spectrum
• band splitting
• band strength
• band system
• bandwidth
• band width
• band without head
• bar
• barely discernible
• Barlow lens
• barn door mounting
• barrage photocell
• barred spiral
• barred spiral galaxy
• barrel distortion
• barrier
• barrier film
• barrier-layer cell
• barrier-layer photocell
• barrier-layer photoeffect
• Bartels' diagram
• baryon star
• baryon star model
• base
• base level
• baseline
• base line
• base of chromosphere
• base of prominence
• basic component
• basin
• bath
• battery
• battery supply
• Baumbach formula
• bay
• Bayer name
• B-component
• BD catalog
• BD star
• beaded structure
• beads
• beam
• beam efficiency
• beam-limiting aperture
• beam-limiting device
• beam pattern
• beamshape
• beam shape
• beam splitter
• beamwidth
• beam width
• beam width to half-power
• bearing
• beat period
• bed
• Beer-Lambert law
• Beer's law
• before day
• Beijing observatory
• bell metal
• belt
• belt Jupiter's van Allen type belts
• belt of galactic emission
• belt of radiation
• belt of the Milky Way
• bending
• bending force constant
• bending vibration
• Beral
• Bergmann series
• Besselian date
• Besselian day numbers
• Besselian fictitious year
• Besselian year
• Bessel's day numbers
• best fit
• beta particles
• beta rays
• biassed error
• biconcave
• bi-concave lens
• biconcave lens
• biconvex
• bi-convex lens
• biconvex lens
• bifilar
• bi-filar micrometer
• bifurcate
• bifurcated F
• Big Bear solar observatory
• binary
• binary combination head
• binary digit
• binary star
• binary system
• binding
• binding electron
• binding energy
• binning
• binocular
• binocular eyepiece
• binoculars
• binocular vision
• bipolar
• bipolar group
• bipolar magnetic region
• bipolar spot
• bipolar sunspot
• birefringence
• birefringent
• birefringent crystal
• birefringent filter
• Birge-Hopfield bands
• birth of spot
• bisect
• bisecting
• bit
• black
• black-and-white
• black and white film
• black-and-white image
• black body
• blackbody disk temperature
• black-body laws
• black-body photocell
• black-body radiation
• black body temperature
• black drop
• blackening
• black glass
• blackout
• black polyethylene
• blank
• blanket
• blanket effect
• blanketing
• blanketing effect
• blanking gate photocell
• blaze
• blaze angle
• blazed grating
• blazing of grating
• bleb
• blend
• blended feature
• blind
• blinding
• blind spot
• blink
• blink comparator
• blink-comparator
• blink-microscope
• blocking filter
• blooming
• blotches
• blrefringent prism
• blue
• blue dwarf
• blue giant
• blue moon
• blue region
• blue-sensitive
• blue-sensitive plate
• blue shift
• blue star
• blue stragglers
• blur
• blurred
• blurred image
• blurring
• blurring effect
• B-magnitude
• Bode's law
• body
• body under observation
• bofometric luminosity
• Bohr-Coster diagram
• Bohr frequency condition
• Bohr magneton
• Bohr model
• Bohr orbit
• Bohr's building-up principle
• Bohr theory
• boiling-off
• boil off
• bolide
• bolometer
• bolometric
• bolometric correction
• bolometric magnitude
• Bolshoj telescop azimutalnyi
• Boltzmann distribution
• Boltzmann factor
• Boltzmann's constant
• Boltzmann's equation
• Boltzmann statistics
• bomb
• bond
• bond angle
• bond energy
• bonding electron
• bonding orbital
• bond order
• Bonner Durchmusterung catalog
• borosilicate glass
• Bose-Einstein statistics
• Bose statistics
• Bouguer's law
• boundary
• boundary conditions
• boundary temperature
• boundary Value
• bound atom
• bound-bound absorption
• bound-bound transition
• boundedness of solution
• bound electron
• bound-free absorption
• bound-free transition
• bound level
• bound state
• Bouwers telescope
• bowl
• box section of tube
• Brackett limit
• Brackett series
• Bragg spectrometer
• brain
• braking radiation
• branch
• branching rule
• breadth
• break-circuit wheel
• breaking-off of band system
• breaking-up
• breathing vibration
• bremsstrahlung
• bremsstrahlung emission
• bremsstrahlung radiation
• Brewster fall
• bridge
• bridging arm of luminous matter
• bright
• bright bridge
• bright central core
• bright core
• bright emission component
• brighten
• brightening
• brightening of flare
• brightening of plage
• bright fireball
• Bright hydrogen flocculus
• bright line
• bright meteor
• bright nebula
• brightness
• brightness coefficient
• brightness contours
• brightness discrimination
• brightness distribution
• brightness distribution across the source
• brightness distribution across the Sun
• brightness distribution of radio disk
• brightness increment
• brightness perception
• brightness ratio
• brightness response
• brightness temperature
• brightness threshold
• brightness variation
• bright point
• bright radio star
• bright rays
• bright ring
• bright source
• bright star
• Bright star catalog
• brilliance
• brilliancy
• British Astronomical Association
• British Interplanetary Society
• broad-band
• broad-band continuum
• broadband emission
• broad band photometry
• broadband radiation
• broaden
• broadening
• broadening by damping