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Sci-Fi Moon
<< Yesterday 20.01.2004 Tomorrow >>
Sci-Fi Moon
Credit: Ebay

Many scientists and engineers who worked on the Apollo project in the 1960s reported being inspired by science fiction stories that they read as teenagers. This wonderful cover for a 1928 paperback (found a year or so ago on Ebay - don't know who the buyer or seller were!) is the kind of space art (and text) that enchanted me some decades later. The cover offers the enticement of a person (in a Spiderman-tight space suit?) amidst the craters and crags of the Moon. The back cover is a simple, but relatively accurate, map of the Moon with actual lunar names correctly placed. Are young people stimulated by today's science fiction - or have our science accomplishments eliminated such imaginative dreaming?

Related Links:
The Moon in Science Fiction
First Men in the Moon Movie Review
First Men in the Moon online book

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Publikacii s klyuchevymi slovami: Moon - Luna - Lunar Photo of the Day - LPOD
Publikacii so slovami: Moon - Luna - Lunar Photo of the Day - LPOD
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