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  Lunnoe Foto Dnya 

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za 2004 god.

Re-Projecting the Moon Re-Projecting the Moon
20.11.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya

Because the Moon is a sphere all features away from the sub-Earth point are seen with distortion that becomes progressively more extreme as the limb is approached. Circular craters look more and more elliptical until, at the limb they are seen in profile.

An Older Copernicus An Older Copernicus
19.11.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya

Copernicus is the exemplar of a large complex crater. There are a few dozen other relatively fresh Copernicus-like craters on the lunar nearside - and a significant, but often overlooked one lurks just a few hundred kilometers to the east. Eratosthenes is a junior Copernicus - 58 km diameter vs 93 km - and is somewhat older.

What's a Rukl? What's a Rukl?
18.11.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya

Lunar cartography has a remarkable history, with great map makers interspersed with less skillful ones. Among the greats I count Mellan, Cassini, Russell, Lohrmann, Madler, the US Defense Mapping Agency, and Antonin Rukl. Rukl, like Madler 170 years ago, is the standard of excellence.

Another Gander at Neander - Its Not My Fault Another Gander at Neander - Its Not My Fault
17.11.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya

The November 6 LPOD featured an image by Jim Phillips of a little known linear feature east of Neander. Based on the observation that it cast a shadow at sunrise, and exhibited a bright reflection near sunset, I proclaimed it to be a fault.

A Glorious Serpentine Ridge A Glorious Serpentine Ridge
16.11.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya

One of the most wondrous lunar sights can be observed when the Moon is 6 days old. Paralleling the eastern shore of Mare Serenitatis is the snakelike Serpentine Ridge. This fine name has been...

LTOs Are Here! LTOs Are Here!
15.11.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya

Once again, quietly and without fanfare, the Lunar & Planetary Institute has delivered a magnificent collection of rare lunar maps for our daily use. The Lunar Topographic Orthophotomaps - the absolutely best lunar maps ever map - are 1:250,000 scale Apollo Metric photos overprinted with accurate topographic contours at 100 m vertical intervals.

A Busier Longo A Busier Longo
14.11.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya

This crater looks like an older, busier and more battered version of yesterday's Longomontanus. The reason Maginus looks similar is that it is a similar sized (163 km diameter) and similar aged large crater that has suffered a similar history.

Longo and Far Away Longo and Far Away
13.11.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya

Longomontanus is second only to Clavius in conspicuousness in the crater-rich southern highlands. Like Clavius, 145 km wide Longo has a broad flat floor, obviously emplaced as a fluid material, with a few scattered peaks protruding. Why are these peaks so off center?

A 1689 Swedish Book on the Moon A 1689 Swedish Book on the Moon
12.11.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya

This previously unknown ancient book on the Moon turned up on Ebay recently. I say previously unknown because neither Ewen Whitaker nor I had ever heard of it - perhaps an LPOD reader can tell us more about it.

A Giant Messier A Giant Messier
11.11.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya

Schiller is bizarrely unique and has long been a topic of speculation and bewilderment. The problem with Schiller is obvious - craters are round, but Schiller definitely isn't. Because of its elongated shape, it was often claimed that Schiller could not be of impact origin and must be volcanic. But, volcanist were wrong again.

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