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Relikty Bol'shogo Vzryva

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[Novoe soobshenie] Forumy >> Obsuzhdenie publikacii Astroneta
Avtor Soobshenie
Relikty Bol'shogo Vzryva 9.06.2001 9:37

Nedavno opublikovany poslednie rezul'taty obrabotki eksperimenta BOOMERanG, dayushih spektr fluktuacii reliktovogo izlucheniya Vselennoi v masshtabah ot 5 gradusov do 10 minut dugi. Eti dannye mozhno rassmatrivat' kak eshe odin argument v pol'zu modeli inflyacionnoi, t.e. razduvayusheisya goryachei Vselennoi.
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candymika candymika
Re[2]: Relikty Bol'shogo Vzryva 6.04.2021 7:39

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[Novoe soobshenie] Forumy >> Obsuzhdenie publikacii Astroneta
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