Rambler's Top100Astronet    
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Anglo-Russko-Angliiskii Astronomicheskii Slovar'

  Terminy   |   Frazy   |   Vertikal'nyi spisok O slovare
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z 
A | B | V | G | D | E | Zh | Z | I | ' | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | F | H | C | Ch | Sh | Sh | E | Yu | Ya 

1077 fraz na bukvu "P"

• pacceyannyi svet Galaktiki
• pad
• pair
• pair of movable wires
• pair production
• Palomar observatory
• Palomar observatory sky survey
• panchromatic
• panchromatic emulsion
• panel
• Panoptic eyepiece
• panoramic receiver
• paper
• paper base
• paper developer
• parabola
• parabola corrector
• parabolic
• parabolic antenna
• parabolic cylinder
• parabolic mirror
• parabolic orbit
• parabolic primary
• parabolic radio telescope
• parabolic reflector
• parabolic reflector antenna
• parabolic reflector radio telescope
• parabolic telescope
• parabolic velocity
• paraboloid
• paraboloidal reflector
• paraboloid antenna
• paraboloid bowl
• paraboloid dish
• paraboloid mirror
• paraboloid radio telescope
• paraboloid reflector
• paraboloid reflector antenna
• paradox
• parahelium
• parahydrogen
• parallactic
• parallactic angle
• parallactic component
• parallactic displacement
• parallactic ellipse
• parallactic error
• parallactic head
• parallactic inequality
• parallactic libration
• parallactic motion
• parallactic mounting
• parallactic shift
• parallactic triangle
• parallax
• parallax determination
• parallax factor
• parallax in azimuth
• parallax in declination
• parallax in right ascension
• parallax in zenith distance
• parallax plates
• parallax program
• parallax programme
• parallax series
• parallax star
• parallax work
• parallel
• parallel band
• parallel beam
• parallel light
• parallel vibration
• paramagnetic resonance
• paramagnetism
• parameter
• parametric
• parametric amplifier
• paramodification
• parasitic antenna
• parasitic image
• paraxial rays
• parentage
• parentage of spectral terms
• parent comet
• parent nucleus
• parent term
• parfocal eyepieces
• parhelia
• parhelion
• parity
• parity effect
• parity rule
• Parkes radio telescope
• parsec
• partial eclipse
• partial exposure
• partial filling
• partially-filled aperture
• partially polarized
• partial phase
• partial polarization
• particle
• particle flux
• particle loss
• Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council
• particle scattering
• particular act
• partition function
• partly filled aperture
• Paschen-Back effect
• Paschen continuum
• Paschen limit
• Paschen series
• Pashen-Runge mounting
• passage
• passage of meteor
• passage through potential barrier
• passband
• pass band
• passenger elevator
• path
• patrol
• pattern
• pattern lobes
• Pauli's exclusion principle
• payload
• payload weight
• padioizofoty
• padiospektrograf
• paketa
• P-branch
• pc
• P Cygni line profile
• peak
• peak electron density
• peak intensity
• peak radio emission intensity
• peculiar
• peculiar galaxy
• peculiarity
• peculiar motion
• peculiar motion component
• peculiar nebula
• peculiar object
• peculiar spectrum
• peculiar star
• peculiar velocity
• Peltier cooler
• pen-and-ink recorder
• pencil
• pencil beam
• pencil-beam aerial system
• pencil-beam antenna
• pencil beam instrument
• pencil beam interferometer
• pencil beam scan
• pencil-beam system
• pencil of radiation
• pendulum
• pendulum clock
• penetrating coefficient
• penetrating component
• penetrating orbit
• penetration depth
• pen recorder
• pentad
• pentag
• penta-prism
• penumbra
• penumbral eclipse
• per annum
• per century
• perception
• per day
• perfect cosmological principle
• perfect diffuser
• perfect emitter
• perfect gas
• perfect gas law
• perfect scattering
• perfect seeing
• performance
• per hour
• periastron
• perigee
• perigee distance
• perihelia
• perihelic distance
• perihelion
• perihelion distance
• perihelion passage
• perihelion speed
• periheliutn
• period
• periodic chart
• periodic comet
• periodic error correction
• periodic errors
• periodicity period
• periodic motion
• periodic perturbation
• periodic system of elements
• periodic table
• periodic variables
• periodic variable stars
• period-luminosity diagram
• period-luminosity law
• period-luminosity relation
• period of overlap of two cycles
• period of solar rotation
• period of variation
• periodogram
• period per second
• peripheral vision
• permanent current
• permanent Hα
• permanent satellite
• permeability
• permeability of space
• per minute
• permitted line
• permittivity of space
• perpendicular antennas
• perpendicular band
• perpendicular vibration
• per second
• persistent lines
• personal equation
• personal error
• perturb
• perturbance
• perturbation
• perturbation method
• perturbative effect
• perturbative function
• perturbed orbit
• perturbing force
• per year
• p-fold symmetric axis
• Pfund series
• phantom telescope
• phantom telescope computer
• pharos
• phase
• phase angle
• phase changer
• phase changing unit
• phase coefficient
• phase coherent mechanism
• phased array
• phase function
• phase grating
• phase integral
• phase matrix
• phase of planet
• phase of the Moon
• phase plate
• phase reversing switch
• phase rotator
• phase rule
• phase sensitive detector
• phase-sensitive detector
• phase-sensitive rectifier
• phase shifter
• phase-shift method
• phases of Venus
• phase space
• phase spectrum
• phase switched interferometer
• phase-switched interferometer
• phase switching
• phase-switching interferometer
• phase-switching method
• phase-switching principle
• phase-switching receiver
• phase-switching technique
• phase-switching unit
• phase variation
• phase velocity
• phenidone developer
• phenomena
• phenomenon
• phonon
• phoswich detector
• phot
• photo
• photoactivate
• photoactive
• photoamplifier
• photocathode
• photo-cathode
• photocell
• photocell box
• photochromy
• photochronograph
• photoconducting cell
• photoconduction
• photoconductive
• photoconductive cell
• photoconductive effect
• photoconductivity
• photoconductor
• photocurrent
• photocurrent noise
• photodetachment
• photodetector
• photodiode
• photodisintegration
• photodissociation
• photoeffect
• photoelectric
• photoelectric absorption
• photoelectric bisecting device
• photoelectric cathode
• photoelectric cell
• photoelectric colorimeter
• photoelectric current
• photoelectric detector
• photoelectric disintegration
• photoelectric effect
• photoelectric emission
• photoelectric fatigue
• photoelectric guider
• photoelectric guiding
• photoelectric guiding device
• photoelectricity
• photoelectric magnitude
• photoelectric means
• photoelectric measurements
• photoelectric measuring engine
• photoelectric methods
• photoelectric micrometer
• photoelectric microphotometer
• photoelectric photometer
• photoelectric photometry
• photoelectric receiver
• photoelectric record
• photoelectric registration of star transit
• photoelectric sensitivity
• photoelectric star photometer
• photoelectric techniques
• photoelectric transit instrument
• photoelectric work
• photoelectron
• photoemission
• photoemissive cathode
• photoemissive cell
• photoemissive effect
• photoemissive element
• photoexcitation
• photograph
• photographic
• photographic absorption coefficient
• photographically
• photographic astrometry
• photographic atlas
• photographic camera
• photographic catalogue
• photographic contrast enhancement
• photographic density
• photographic determination
• photographic developer
• photographic effect
• photographic efficiency
• photographic emulsion
• photographic equatorial
• photographic exposure
• photographic exposure meter
• photographic failure
• photographic field of view
• photographic film
• photographic glass
• photographic illumination
• photographic image
• photographic image formation
• photographic light
• photographic magnitude
• photographic material
• photographic meteor
• photographic method
• photographic microscope
• photographic objective
• photographic observations
• photographic paper
• photographic photometer
• photographic photometry
• photographic plate
• photographic plate carriage
• photographic proper motions
• photographic-ray picture
• photographic reciprocity law failure
• photographic recording
• photographic refractor
• photographic registration
• photographic resolving power
• photographic sensitivity
• photographic speed
• photographic star position
• photographic survey
• photographic techniques
• photographic telescope
• photographic tracking
• photographic trail
• photographic transit circle
• photographic vertical circle
• photographic work
• photographic zenith tube
• photography
• photoheliogram
• photoheliograph
• photoionization
• photometer
• photometer head
• photometer, multi-channel
• photometer, two star
• photometric
• photometric absolute magnitude
• photometrically clear night
• photometrical paradox
• photometric atlas
• photometric bench
• photometric center correction
• photometric double star
• photometric measurements
• photometric methods
• photometric observations
• photometric paradox
• photometric parallax
• photometric quantity
• photometric scale
• photometric skyies
• photometric studies
• photometric system
• photometric telescope
• photometric wedge
• photometric work
• photometry
• photomultiplier
• photomultiplier cell
• photomultiplier tube
• photon
• photon counter
• photon counting
• photon-counting equipment
• photon noise
• photon-recording efficiency
• photopic vision
• photoplate
• photoresistance
• photoresistance cell
• photoretrogression
• photosensitive
• photosensitivity
• photosphere
• photospheric
• photospheric F
• photospheric facula
• photospheric granulation
• photospheric granules
• photospheric light
• photospheric model
• photospheric radiation
• photospheric radius
• photospheric spectrum
• photospheric surface
• photospheric telescope
• photospheric temperature
• photosurface
• phototube
• photovalve
• photovisual absorption coefficient
• photovisual magnitude
• photovoltaic cell
• physical area
• physical binary star
• physical characteristics
• physical conditions
• physical constants
• physical development
• physical dimension
• physical double star
• physical libration
• physical photometer
• physical photometry
• physical resolving power
• physical variable
• physical variable star
• physicist
• physics
• Pic du Midi observatory
• Pickering lines
• Pickering series
• pick-off
• pickup
• pick-up tube
• picture
• picture camera
• picture device
• picture element
• picture monitor
• picture pattern
• picture pickup device
• picture signal monitor
• pier
• piezoelectric pickup
• piggy-back mounting
• pigment cell F
• pillow distortion
• pinch effect
• pinch-effect
• pin cushion distortion
• pin-hole camera
• p-i-n photodiode
• p-i-n fotodiod
• pion
• pip
• pitch angle
• pitch lap
• pivot
• pivot supports
• pixel
• place
• plage
• plage area
• plage emission
• plage faculaire
• plage radiation
• plage region
• plain
• plain hypo bath
• planar molecule
• planar symmetric top
• Planckian radiator
• Planck intensity
• Planck's constant
• Planck's law
• Planck's radiation law
• plane
• plane grating
• plane of aperture
• plane of ecliptic
• plane of symmetry
• plane of the Milky Way
• plane of zodiac
• plane-parallel
• plane-parallel atmosphere
• plane-parallel corrector
• plane-parallel plate
• plane-parallel plate of glass
• plane-parallel slabs
• plane polarization
• plane polarized
• plane subsystem
• planet
• planetarium
• planetarium program
• planetary
• planetary aberration
• planetary astronomy
• planetary atmosphere
• planetary conditions
• planetary emission
• planetary ephemerides
• planetary filter
• planetary image
• planetary interior
• planetary magnetic Kp-index
• planetary material
• planetary movement
• planetary n
• planetary nebula
• planetary observations
• planetary orbit
• planetary perturbations
• planetary precession
• planetary probe
• planetary radar
• planetary radiation
• planetary radiation level
• planetary radio astronomy
• planetary rotation
• Planetary Society
• planetary spectrograph
• planetary speed
• planetary surface
• planetary system
• planetary telescope
• planetary temperature
• planetary theory
• planet echo
• planet equator
• planetesimals
• planetocentric
• planetographic
• planetoid
• planetology
• planet's ionosphere
• planet's orbit
• planet's rotation
• plane wave
• plane wave front
• planisphere
• planned trajectory
• plano-concave lens
• plano-convex lens
• plasma
• plasma cloud
• plasma disturbance
• plasma frequency
• plasma hypothesis
• plasma oscillation
• plasma radiation
• plasma waves
• plasmon
• plate
• plate carriage
• plate center
• plate constants
• plate development
• plate drive
• plate drive arm
• plate-drive gearing
• plate-drive motor
• plateholder
• plate holder
• plate inclination
• plate measurement
• plate-measuring device
• plate-measuring engine
• plate measuring machine
• plate scale
• platform
• Platonic year
• Plossl eyepiece
• plot
• plug
• plume
• Pluton's orbit
• Pockel's cell
• Pogson's equation
• Pogson step method
• point
• point brilliance
• point group
• point image
• pointing
• pointing accuracy
• pointing error
• pointing instrument
• point mass
• point source
• point-source model
• point spread function
• point-to-point extrapolation
• Poisson brackets
• Poisson distribution
• polar
• polar axis
• polar-axis bearings
• polar-axis shaft
• polar-axis worm
• polar axle
• polar bearings
• polar belt
• polar blackout
• polar cap
• polar cap absorption
• polar cap blackout
• polar compression
• polar coronal plumes
• polar crown of filaments
• polar diagram
• polar diameter
• polar distance
• polar facula
• polar flattening
• polarimeter
• polarimetry
• polariser
• polarising filter
• Polaris instrument
• Polaris seeing monitor
• Polaris telescope
• polarity
• polarizability
• polarizability ellipsoid
• polarizability tensor
• polarization
• polarization effect
• polarization foil
• polarization interference filter
• polarization interferometer
• polarization measurements
• polarization observations
• polarization of continuum
• polarization of core
• polarization of lines
• polarization of starlight
• polarization photometer
• polarization potential
• polarization ratio
• polarize
• polarized
• polarized antenna
• polarized burst
• polarized component
• polarized light
• polarized radiation
• polarized radio waves
• polarized ray
• polarizer
• polarizing apparatus
• polarizing eyepiece
• polarizing interferometer
• polarizing monochromator
• polarizing prism
• polar light
• polar map
• polar molecule
• polar motion
• Polaroid
• Polaroid sheet
• polar orbit
• polar period
• polar plot
• polar plumes
• polar prominence
• polar radius
• polar rays
• polar region
• polar sensitive
• polar sequence
• polar streamers
• polar telescope
• polar tube
• polar wandering
• polar zone
• pole
• pole effect
• pole of ecliptic
• pole of equator
• poleward migration of prominences
• polish
• polisher
• polishing
• polishing machine
• polishing tool
• politropic form
• politropic index
• polyad
• polyatomic molecule
• polymonochromator
• polynomial
• polytropic core
• polytropic model
• Poncet platform
• poorly directive antenna
• poor resolving power
• population
• population density
• population I
• population II
• population II object
• population II star
• population index
• population I object
• population I star
• population of levels
• porous material
• Porro prism
• portable meridian circle
• Porter mount
• Porter's solar disks
• portion
• position
• positional accuracy
• positional astronomy
• positional correction
• positional data
• positional information
• positional measurements
• positional work
• position angle
• position angle effect
• position circle
• position determination
• position-indicating equipment
• position line
• position measurement
• position-measuring devices
• position micrometer
• position of telescope
• position sensitive proportional counter
• positive
• positive branch
• positive cosmological constant
• positive direction
• positive drift
• positive eyepiece
• positive image
• positive lens
• positive level
• positive rotational level
• positon
• positron
• possible error
• post exposure
• post-limb event
• post-limb flare
• potassium dihydrogen phosphat
• potential
• potential barrier
• potential curve
• potential curve diagram
• potential energy
• potential function
• potentiometer
• potentiometer setting
• potted photomultiplier
• power
• power distribution
• power flux
• powerful radio source
• powerful telescope
• power output
• power radiated by source
• power-sensitivity diagram
• power-sensitivity pattern
• power source
• power spectrum
• power supply
• Poynting's vector
• PP'-multiplet
• practical astronomy
• practical astrophysics
• practical efficiency
• practicing astronomer
• preamplifier
• pre-amplifier
• preceding
• preceding spot
• precess
• precession
• precessional
• precessional motion
• precession correction
• precession in longitude
• precession in obliquity
• precession of angular momentum
• precession of equinoxes
• precession of the equinoxes
• precipitation
• precise determination
• precision
• precision reflector
• precision worm-and-worm wheel
• predicted place
• predicted position
• prediction
• prediction of position
• predissociation
• predissociation limit
• preexposure
• preferential absorption
• preferential power
• preflare
• pre-ionization
• preloaded ball bearing
• pre-nova spectrum
• present-day astronomy
• pressure
• pressure broadening
• pressure distribution
• pressure gradient
• pressure-induced band
• pressure-induced spectrum
• pressure ionization
• pressure of sunlight
• pressure shift
• pressure variation
• prestellar
• Preston law
• pretelescopic astronomy
• previous exposure
• primary
• primary aberration
• primary antennas
• primary beam
• primary color
• primary cosmic radiation
• primary cosmic ray
• primary cosmic ray experiment
• primary cosmic rays
• primary eclipse
• primary feed
• primary focal ratio
• primary horn
• primary image
• primary minimum
• primary mirror
• primary mirror cell
• primary paraboloid
• primary star
• prime focus
• prime-focus cage
• prime-focus cell
• prime-focus elevator
• prime-focus housing
• prime-focus optical assembly
• prime-focus plateholder
• prime-focus position
• prime focus system
• prime meridian
• prime observing position
• prime vertical
• principal axis
• principal focus
• principal line
• principal lobe
• principal mirror
• principal plane
• principal quantum number
• principal series
• principal source of decameter activity
• principle
• principle of equivalence
• principle of exclusion
• principle of Fermat
• principle of invariance
• principle of reciprocity
• principle of similarity
• print
• printer
• printing
• printing exposure
• prism
• prism angle
• prismatic
• prismatic astrolabe
• prismatic eyepiece
• prismatic image
• prismatic spectroscope
• prismatic spectrum
• prism spectrograph
• prism spectroscope
• probability
• probability density distribution
• probability distribution
• probable ellipse
• probable error
• probable error area
• probe
• problem
• procedure
• process
• processing
• production
• productivity
• product of inertia
• product rule
• professional astronomer
• profile
• profile of the Moon
• program
• programme
• program mechanism
• programmer
• programming
• progression
• progression of nodes
• prohibition
• prohibition of intercombinations
• project
• projection
• projection effects
• projector
• prolate symmetric top
• prominence
• prominence area
• prominence film
• prominence frequency
• prominence knot
• prominence material
• prominence matter
• prominence spectroscope
• prominence streamer
• prominence unit
• promontory
• promptly emitted
• promscope
• propagation
• propellant
• propellent
• proper absorption
• proper motion
• proper motion system
• property
• proportional counter
• protection device
• protium
• protogalaxy
• proton
• proton event
• proton flare
• proton flare project
• proton magnetic resonance
• proton number
• proton-proton process
• proton-proton reaction
• proton stream
• protoplanet
• protostar
• protostellar
• protosun
• protuberance
• pseudo photograph
• pseudoproblem
• p-spot
• Ptolemaic
• Ptolemaic system
• Publication of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific
• puff
• puff ejection
• pull
• pulsar
• pulsating arc
• pulsating surface
• pulsating variable stars
• pulsation
• pulsational instability
• pulsation theory
• pulse
• pulse counting
• pulse-counting photometer
• pulse-counting techniques
• pulsed equipment
• pulsed radar
• pulsed system
• pulse duration
• pulse echo
• pulse excitation
• pulse generator
• pulse length
• pulse method
• pulser
• pulse-registering device
• pulsing
• pulverized rock
• pumice
• punched card
• punched-card computer
• punched-card machine
• punched tape
• punched Values
• pupil
• Purkinje effect
• Purple Mountain observatory
• push-broom scan
• pushbutton
• Pushchino observatory
• puzzle
• pygmy star
• pyranometer
• Pyrex disk
• Pyrex glass
• Pyrex mirror
• pyrgeometer
• pyrheliometer
• Pyroceram
• pyrometer
• pyrometry
• PZT building
• PZT house
• PZT observations
• PZT stars
• P-vetv'

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